Banner/picture HTML code samples

Inserting a simple picture:

<img src="" alt="Jeep Wrangler" border="0">

This is how it may look:
Jeep Wrangler

Note: you should specify your own SRC and ALT strings, where SRC points to the image file location on your web server and ALT sets a mouse-over text description.

Inserting a banner of 468 x 60 pixels which refers to some other page or some other web site:

<center><table><tr><td align="center">
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img ismap src=""
alt="Mouse-Over Link Description here"
border="0" height="60" width="468"></a></td></tr>
<tr><td align="center"><a style="font-size: smaller;"
href="">Additional note goes here</a>

This is how it may look:
Mouse-Over Link Description here
Additional note goes here


You can also insert any other HTML code complying with HTML specifications. If you insert any HTML element which requires an ending HTML tag, the ending tag MUST be present in your code.

Note: inclusion of any Java or other script is NOT recommended because of security and stability considerations.